About us

Our Vision

Hello and welcome to WELL THRIVED. We will be your ultimate destination for expert-backed insights and information to amplify and make your lifestyle simpler.

We are Devoted to simplifying the journey to a healthier, smarter, and happier life. We provide straightforward, science-based, and expert insights in the lifestyle arena.
Explore our range of topics, from health and wellness (to stay mentally and physically fit) to home decoration, DIY, beauty tips, and more lifestyle-related topics and matters.

At WELL THRIVED, we pride ourselves on delivering accurate, reliable, and engaging content and tools created by a diverse team of professionals. We’re committed to quality, so we continuously review and update our information to ensure it remains up-to-date and trustworthy. It is against our guidelines to publish automatically generated content using Artificial Intelligence writing tools such as ChatGPT or BARD.

Join us on our mission to live smarter, not harder.

Why choose Well Thrived? What’s our approach?

WELL THRIVED is for individuals seeking comprehensive guidance on wellness, health, DIY tips, beauty advice, home decoration, and lifestyle-related topics to enhance their overall quality of life.

Individuals who are looking for a one-stop destination that offers expert-backed insights and practical tools to support their journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

WELL THRIVED operates as a lifestyle blog that not only provides valuable information but also offers innovative tools, including a meal suggestion feature and a meal planner tool, to empower our audience to take control of their well-being.

WELL THRIVED can benefit you by experiencing personalized recommendations and actionable advice tailored to your unique needs, allowing you to make informed decisions and cultivate positive habits.

Unlike our closest competitors, who may offer fragmented content or lack interactive tools, WELL THRIVED provides a holistic approach to wellness, combining expert insights with user-friendly features to support your journey comprehensively.

We offer a wealth of expert-reviewed content, complemented by interactive tools including meal suggestions and a meal planner, empowering you to thrive in every aspect of your life. Additionally, we provide infographics and motivational fortune cookies to engage you visually, also, to inspire and motivate you along your wellness journey.


Our writers and editors carefully investigate claims and verify all material and data gathered for each article, including news pieces. We consult a wide range of relevant, qualified sources to ensure that readers have the necessary context and background.

We primarily depend on current and trustworthy primary sources, such as expert interviews, agencies of government, recognized professional academic organizations, and studies. Every data item, statistic, and claim in our publications is backed up by at least one trustworthy source.

Before publication, all of our news and material is carefully evaluated by a staff editor. Articles are completely reviewed for correctness, relevancy, and timeliness to ensure that our readers receive reliable and current information.

How products are vetted?

Promotions are here to enhance your experience where you find everything in one place if needed to help you. They don’t change our opinion about a product. The links contained in some product reviews may result in a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase through them.

This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team who work tirelessly to share what they love with you, which helps us to improve the quality of the content provided. Please know we only recommend high-quality products that we fully believe in, and have to be backed up by a credible source.

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